Nursing Shortage Solutions Archives - Travel Nurse Source Blog
How Travel Nurses are Helping to Address the Nursing Shortage in Oncology

How Travel Nurses are Helping to Address the Nursing Shortage in Oncology

It’s no secret that the nursing shortage is causing a crisis in the healthcare industry. This problem poses a significant threat to the oncology field. Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in the U.S. and those numbers continue to rise. It’s projected that 1 in every 3 men and 1 in every 2 women will develop cancer in their lifetime. This means there will be an increased need for care from teams familiar with their specific...

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Mental Health Nurse – Getting Into One’s Psyche

Mental Health Nurse – Getting Into One’s Psyche

We all know when we’re physically hurting, but do we give the same amount of attention to our mental health? It seems like everyone’s mental health has been declining more than ever before. But, has it really? Or is it that we are just more open to talking about the issues that our psychological state can cause? At a time when demand for mental healthcare services is higher than ever before, there is a shortage of providers,...

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Nursing Shortage Issues Hurt Everyone… but you can help

Nursing Shortage Issues Hurt Everyone… but you can help

We hear over and over again that there is a shortage of healthcare workers across the country, and the problem is going to get worse. It’s the same story – there are more people than ever before with access to healthcare, the number of senior citizens is growing, and students aren’t graduating from nursing school fast enough to meet this demand of patients. Yet, the untold story is the way in which these nursing shortage issues...

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Don’t Miss Out on Money for Nursing School!

Don’t Miss Out on Money for Nursing School!

Are you stressing out about how to pay for nursing school? Let’s face it – school is expensive and sometimes it’s hard to get access to some extra cash. To make matters worse, there continues to be a nursing shortage throughout the country. The bottom line is that we need more people in nursing school! That’s why we,, want to help more students gain access to the education they need to become a nurse. Although...

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Why Do We Need More Men in Nursing? | An Exclusive Interview

Why Do We Need More Men in Nursing? | An Exclusive Interview

What if people used your gender to describe your professional title? He was a male construction worker. She was a female hair stylist. He was a male grocery clerk. She was a female writer. It seems unnecessary, right? The need to use gender as an adjective to describe someone’s position in their career, in itself, reveals the lack of gender diversity and inclusion in certain professions, Frank Poliafico pointed out to me during an...

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5 Nurse Recognition Ideas

5 Nurse Recognition Ideas

With a nursing shortage in full effect and the millennial generation beginning to make up a large portion of the nursing workforce, it’s important that you’re able to show your staff some recognition. While millenials are generally more inclined to seek recognition for his or her work, everyone loves a pat on the back every once in a while. While the majority of your staff realize that what they are doing is impacting many lives for...

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